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PwC & ACTSR Treasury Tech Day 2024

PwC together with the Association of Corporate Treasurers - Suisse Romande (ACTSR) has curated an inspiring mix of state-of-the-art TMS vendors and innovative fintechs to challenge the status quo and share a glimpse of the treasury of the future. You can expect a morning full of learnings and inspiration around the topic "AI in Treasury" to kick-start your Digital Transformation Journey.


Zurich, Switzerland

Learn more about the event
Zurich, Switzerland

Event program

The day will be dedicated to digital transformation with a core focus on use cases for “AI in Treasury”, showcasing the most relevant enabling tech solutions in the field. Leading solution providers like Nomentia will present key use cases during the plenary sessions and answer your questions during the Tech Fair in the exhibition area.

Registration & welcome coffee

Welcome address (PwC & SwissTreasurer)

Introduction to AI in Treasury and key use cases

Coffee break

AI use cases presented by TMS vendors TMS activation panel (hot seat)
(including "How Self-Service-BI and AI will transform your Treasury" by Nomentia at 11:35-11:55)

Closing remarks (PwC & SwissTreasurer)

Standing lunch


Hear how Nomentia's solutions use Ai in our use case presentation and VISIT US AT THE BOOTH to LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR SOLUTION:
  • Nomentia Payments
  • Nomentia Cash Flow Forecasting
  • Nomenita Bank Connectivity
  • Nomentia Guarantee Management
  • Nomentia Risk Management
  • Nomentia Treasury Reporting

Use case presentation

How Self-Service-BI and AI will transform your Treasury

Discover how self-service BI will revolutionize your treasury reporting and learn about the benefits of using artificial intelligence (AI) for planning purposes.




Daniel Neubauer

Senior Solution Manager, Nomentia

Stefan Kapfer

Stefan Kapfer

Senior Sales Manager, Nomentia

Meet our team at the event


Daniel Neubauer

Senior Solution Manager

Stefan Kapfer-1

Stefan Kapfer

Senior Sales Manager

Visit our booth

Visit our stand at the event to discuss treasury, grab one of our chocolate bars, or get a demo on the spot! 


We're looking forward to seeing you there!

nomentia background

Book a meeting

Book a meeting before the event so we can set up a time that works for you.

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