POBO & COBO - Key benefits, challenges and solutions
POBO & COBO Key benefits, challenges and solutions
If you’re thinking about centralizing your cash management functions on-behalf-of structures, such as POBO (payments-on-behalf-of) and COBO (collections-on-behalf-of) are most likely on top of your mind.
POBO and COBO increase efficiency and transparency in financial processes. They help to rationalize an external banking structure and maximize the benefits of in-house banking.
When it comes to centralizing a cash management function, the group often starts with a variety of bank services such as financing, FX hedging, and investment handling. As a next step, it often makes sense to complete the centralization by implementing payments and collections on-behalf.of structures.
In this webinar, we will look at the benefits of POBO and COBO such as:
Maximizing transparency
Simplifying the bank relationships
Reducing the risk of fraud
However, we also want to look at the challenges and things to take into consideration when it comes to setting up on-behalf-of structures. This is why we partnered with Engima Consulting to provide you an actionable overview and highlight what to consider and which challenges and pitfalls you might want to avoid along the way.
Enigma Consulting is a knowledge hub in the field of Payments, Digitisation, Risk & Compliance and Treasury at the intersection of banks, companies and solution providers.
We will also take a look at how to overcome the challenges such as working with multiple ERP systems and being dependent on buyer information when it comes to understanding who paid what to whom when. We will show how our solutions play a key role in overcoming these challenges.
Who should attend: This webinar is for anyone who is looking to optimize their treasury and cash functions but wants to make sure they know the different angles from which to approach the topic of POBO and COBO.
Meet the speakers
Robert-Jan Wekking
Partner, Enigma Consulting
Text content.
Jaakko Kilpinen
Solution Manager, Nomentia
Jaakko has over 20 years of experience in corporate cash management and has deep expertise in cash forecasting, netting, and In-House banking. Jaakko has previously held e.g. a position as Group Treasurer in a publicly listed Finnish company.